Monday, February 28, 2011

My First Interview

Interview Preparations:

Getting ready for an interview is like completing a puzzle.  A person needs to prepare every aspect and fit them all together in order to have the interview be successful.  Everything included in the interview is important, however some parts may take longer such as creating questions.  In the interview process I needed to prepare, conduct and transcribe the interview.

When I started to prepare for the first interview, I first brainstormed a list of questions.  I wanted to ask questions that would spark interest in the interviewee.  After I brainstormed a list of questions I picked seven that I would like to ask.  The other seven questions were obtained from the class core list.  Next, I needed to schedule interviews.  I wanted to interview international students from China.  Susan Lu introduced me to a friend of hers named Yan He.  We set a place and time for the interview.  The day before the interview was to be conducted, I charged my laptop and tested the program that would record the interview.  I also printed off two copies of the questions and reviewed them.
When I arrived at the interview, I set up my laptop.  Yan He arrived and I introduced my self and again explained why I was conducting this interview.  I made sure the microphone on the laptop  was pointing towards her.  We began by talking about how her day was going and how she was acquainted with Susan Lu.  After a few minutes I asked her where she was from.  While asking the remainder of the questions, I tried to incorporate them in an order that made sense to  where the previous question had left off.  Towards the end of the interview I mentioned her answer to the question of what she does on the weekends in the United States.  While doing this I focused on what Yan He had said she was doing this weekend in hope that she would further explain and this would be a good opportunity to end the interview since it was a Friday afternoon and the beginning of her weekend.

Following the interview I wrote the transcript.  The program I was using broke the audio into five minutes sections.  I started with the first section.  While the audio was playing I typed what was being said.  After a few seconds I would replay what was previously said once or twice to make sure everything that was said was typed.  This process was repeated many times throughout each section of the interview.

2. Interview Report:

On February 18, 2010, I interviewed Yan He. She is an international student from China. The interview lasted approximately 40 minutes. I feel that the interview was very successful. She gave a lot of description in her answers. Yan He was very open. She answered every question except one without hesitation. The reason she hesitated after one question was the way it was worded. Therefore, before the next interview this question will be reworded.
One of the questions I asked was, how is the media different from the United States and China? I wrote this question not knowing that Yan He's major is mass communications. I was very happy with how she responded to this question and I also for it very interesting. She gave examples that she has personally experienced, such as seen the difference between television shows in the United States compared to those in China.

My first objective was to learn about a new culture. In the interview I learned a lot, however, in the next interview I would like to go more in depth. Another objective I had was to conduct a successful interview that obtains good information. I feel that I reached this objective, but there is always room for improvement. I am open to feedback that will help improvement my interviews. The next objective that I have was to learn types of experiences international students have had in the United States so far and whether of not they have been positive. This objective was also completed. This is shown by how Yan He explained what she likes to do on the weekends here, which was shopping. Also, she enjoys attending campus activities.
During this interview I learned a lot. It was laid back or relaxed in the sense that Yan He felt comfortable right away which is important. I hope to improve as I complete more interviews.

3. Country Report:
China is located in eastern Asia and is home to 1,330,141,295 as of July 2010 according to the World Factbook. China has unique climates, an interesting form of government, a changing economy, and rich history.

Firstly, China is slightly smaller then the United States with concern to area. From the U.S. Department of State, China has 9,596,961 square kilometers which makes it the fourth largest country in the world. A few of the natural resources that China has include coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, lead and zinc. The climate varies between north, central, south, and northwest China. In northern China the winters can be extremely cold and the summers bring a lot of rain. In central China the summers are humid and the winters can become as cold as northern China. While the south receives typhoons in the summer and the winters tend to be short. Lastly, northwest China has hot, dry summers with little rain and the winters severely cold.
Next, the form of government for the People’s Republic of China is the Communist Party. China’s capital is Beijing. According to The World Factbook, China received their independence on October 1st, 1949. This day has become a national holiday in China.

Like almost every other country, China’s economy is constantly changing. “In 2010 China became the world’s largest exporter.” (The World Factbook) This shows that China is working to expand their economy, especially since they have changed their economy to be market-oriented. China has been striving to play a more major role in the global economy.

China is full of rich history and many traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation. Unlike the United States, China is an ancient civilization and country. They have thousands of years of history that has helped for the country China is today. They strive to remember and practice ancient Chinese myths and cultural traditions in their everyday lives.

Essentially, China has a very rich history that has been growing for thousands of years. They also have a booming economy and a Communist Party as government. China is also a fairly large country with many natural resources.

"CIA - The World Factbook." Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 27 Feb. 2011.

"China." U.S. Department of State. Web. 27 Feb. 2011.

"China's Climate." China Travel Tour Guide - China Travel Guide, Information & Tips. Web. 27 Feb. 2011.

4  Interview Transcription
Natalie:  What country are you from?

Yan: I come from from china.  South part of China.  I live in small city pretty much like St. Cloud maybe more population.  Its a developing city but I love my city.  I lived there until I was almost 22 years old.  I never go to another city or country until I come here. so I live with my parents and i'm the only child in my family.  I'm 24 years old i'm getting old so i'm not getting married young. i'm just kidding (laughter) I want to find a job here and get work experience for like two or three years and then go back to china to live with my family.

Natalie: What is your major here?

Yan: My major is Mass Communication focused on marketing.  This is my first semester, I used to study somewhere else for one year.

Natalie: Why did you choose mass communication?

Yan: Because I like public relations.  I like to communicate with people with different backgrounds and I like to share my experiences and interests to other people and i'm interested in their experiences because I came to St. Cloud and there are many people who come from other countries in the area.

Natalie: How is the media different from the United States and you home country?

Yan: I think some parts are same and some parts are different. I think in china we can not have any sexual or any unlimited behavior in public even in any television or t.v. show we can not show anything about that such as sex.  The most limited behavior is kiss.  We cannot have a show with sexual behavior.  I think thats different.  Another part is the same such as advertisements.  But i think because chinese is communist and the United States is democrat country so we can not say anything negative ideas for our president but america other people have own ideas and you guys can have any different opinion about Obama but we cannot have any different opinion about our president.

Natalie: Why did you decide to study in the United States instead of China?

Yan: Well I studied there for a little bit, but I always wanted to get some work experience here so I thought it would be a good idea to attend some college in the United States.

Natalie: How does the climate in your home country compare to here?

Yan: It is very different.  In south China where I am from we don't have any snow and it is warm.  Here is it really really cold and i'm not used to it.

Natalie: Who takes care of the finances in your family?

Yan: My father does all of the finances.  I don't have to really think about that until I am older but when I get married then my husband will probably do that.

Natalie: What kind of traditions did you have growing up?

Yan: Chinese traditions? Chinese traditions are, I grew up with my parents. I live in small city so its kind of tradition for my parents and teachers to teach me I need to become good person like get a good job or married in the early age like 20 to 25 years old and stay at home but recently its changed a lot. The chinese women are more independent but in my opinion I still want to stay at home and be with baby and my husband.

Natalie: What kind of holidays would you celebrate?

Yan: Spring Festival is the biggest and traditional chinese celebration and holiday and Moon festival and independence day and labor day is also a big holiday in china we have a 7 day holiday for independence day and labor day.

Natalie: What time of the year is that?

Yan: Labor day is May 1st to May 7th and Labor day is October 1st to October 7th.  But this year our government canceled independent day holiday so we don't have 7 day holiday for independence day

Natalie: What are the popular types of communication between people of our age?

Yan: Can you explain that question a little bit?

Natalie: Such as texting or Facebook.

Yan: Oh I got it. I think for the teenager or the young adults we use the Facebook but chinese Facebook its different because we cannot not use Facebook.

Natalie: So you can't get it from any computer?

Yan: Yes, its prohibited from any computer.  So we use Chinese Facebook and Chinese MSN. It has a different name called QQ the same way to communication with other people.  University student and High School student use text to talk to each other even very emergency things or very big deal we use still text.  We don't like to call each other but for our parents and people 40 years older they use phone to connect to each other.

Natalie: How do people in your country view the united states?

Yan: We think the United States is free and the people are more independent and we think the United States is a rich country there is a lot of reserves.  A few people share many resources because in china we have a lot of population.  I think the United States is a high salary and high welfare country.

Natalie: How are the schools different from the school you use to go to and in the United States?

Yan: I think they are totally different because in china i'm graduate student. I finished my bachelor degree in Chinese university.  I think in chinese university we don't need to listen in class and do homework very well because we just go to school every day and attend class every day and we can sleep in the class and text in class but we don't actually listen to what the teacher says.  We just spend a certain amount of time in the class so in actually in a chinese university we cannot learn to much thing if we do not want to learn.  I think it is different, here we have to do homework and we have a quiz every week.   We only have a final quiz and exam at the end of the semester in china.

Natalie: When you were growing up who lived with you in your home?

Yan: My parents i'm the only child in my home.  My grandparents live in a different place.

Natalie: What foods do you have in your home country that aren't popular in the United States?

Yan: I think because I live in south part of china my province, spicy food is popular in my city and I think here spicy food is also popular, but I know here usually the people here don't want to eat very strange food like dog but in china in some parts they eat this kind of food.

Natalie: In China what do you do for fun on the weekends?

Yan: Some chinese boys don't go to school and they break up with their girlfriend they need time to concentrate on online game.

Natalie: Really?

Yan: Yeah its true, I still can't believe it.  Most of the girls like shopping all the day.

Natalie: Do you go to big shopping malls or just a few stores?

Yan: Yeah both, we can get up at 9 o clock and back home 10 o'clock but we can not go to school 9 o'clock because we cannot get up before 9 just for school.

Natalie: What do you do on the weekends here?

Yan: I want to do some outdoor activities but for me it is hard because I don't have too many American friends.  I mostly stay at home or attend on campus activities.

Natalie: What kind of stores do you shop at in China?  Are they similar to the ones around here?

Yan: We have Walmart but we don't have Target.

Natalie: Have you been to the Walmart here? 

Yan: Yes, they are the exact same from the one here and the one in China, even the prices are the same.  We also have a lot of other popular brand that come form here.  We have Nike and Addidas, all the things that come from another country are really popular in china.

Natalie: Where else have you gone shopping while in the United States?

Yan: I have gone to the Mall of America a few times and the outlet mall.  We would like to go to more places but it is hard because we do not have a car and many of our friends do not have a car.

Natalie: What do you normally buy when you go shopping here?

Yan: Mostly clothes, here the local brands like American Eagle and Hollister and those kind of brands  Here it is more cheaper then in China.  The same shirt is more money because we have to pay the tax or extra fee if the same brand is bought in China.  The brand is made in US but the clothes are made in China.  So even all the clothes made in China are not sold in China.  

Natalie: Do you have a job here?

Yan: We want to have a job here.  Last semester my friends and I stood outside in the winter by Garvey.  It was an on campus job but we failed because my schedule will not work with a job.  I wanted money for my cell phone.  Here bought the most cheapest cell phone.  It was $20 dollars.  I have a family plan with some of my friends to save money.  I don't get a lot of service with my phone though.

Natalie: Are the houses in China and the United States different?

Yan: Its different in America, but I think some look similar in other cities such as Miami because I went their last summer.  Our rich houses are similar to the ones there  and the people have boats in Miami.  They live a luxury life style.  But here it looks more pure and the people are more nice.

Natalie: What sports are poplar in China?

Yan: NBA is very popular.  When I was here I went to the new Stadium here to watch a Baseball.  Its very big and beautiful.  Its very new.  That was the first time I ever saw it so i didn't know the baseball rules.  I just know when all the people cheer.  I didn't know what happens, even i don't have a good view because i need glasses but i don't have. even i cannot see where is the ball.  Where is the baseball? i don't know.  Because i sat very far from the game so i just saw the people drink beer and eat peanuts.  I just ate peanuts and bread and watched the people because I do not know the rules.

Natalie: What sports do athletes in China play professionally that are popular?

Yan: I think soccer is the main one.  It is very high salary and income but I don' think other sports are really popular.

Natalie: What kind of movies have you watch here?

Yan: I love watching a lot of Gossip Girl.  Every time I watch Gossip Girl, every episode has a different ending, the surprise ending.  The relationships are too complex, too complex.

Natalie: On the weekends that you have spent here you mentioned how you attend on campus activities.  What kind of activities do you attend?

Yan: Well, for example tonight i'm going to a movie with a friends here on campus.

Natalie: O I see that sounds like fun.  What movies have you seen here?

Yan: I have seen Mean Girls with the teenage girls.  I also saw the movie where the girls wears a red "A" on her shirt.  I think its call easy A.  The movie is based on a book.  It was really good.

Natalie: I'm glad you enjoyed them.  I hope you also enjoy the movie that you go to tonight.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Citation Styles APA

"If the author's name is mentioned in the text
         Most often, an author's last name appears in the text with the date of publication immediately following in parentheses: "

O'Hara (1982) provides an interesting insite on Aristotle.

"If the author's name is not mentioned in the text
         When the author's name does not appear in the text itself, it appears in the parenthetical citation followed by a comma and the date of publication:"

The contrasts and relations between these two types of questions can be heightened by introducing some new and interpretative terminology. (O'Hara, 1982).

"Note: If you cite the same source a second time within a paragraph, the year of publication may be omitted."
Text from LEO is in quotation marks Date visited: 2/22/11

Book by one author: Rhode Island University
Gendler, Tamar Szabo & Hawthorne, John. (2006). Perceptual Experience. Oxford, NY: Clarendon Press.
- Name of author or authors
- Year of publication
- Name of book
- Place of publication
- Publication company Date visite: 2/22/11

Book by one author from LEO

O' Hara, M.L., (1982), Substances and Things, Washington, D.C: University Press of America, Inc. 
- Name of author
- Year of publication
- Name of book
- Place of publication
- Publication company

Book by two or more authors

Gendler, Tamar Szabo, & John Hawthorne. (2006). Perceptual Experience. Oxford, NY: Clarendon Press.

- Name of authors (Last name of first author, first name & then first name of second author followed by last name.
- Year of publication
- Name of book
- Place of publication Date visited: 2/22/11 
"In-Text Citation Capitalization, Quotes, and Italics/Underlining

•Always capitalize proper nouns, including author names and initials: D. Jones.

•If you refer to the title of a source within your paper, capitalize all words that are four letters long or greater within the title of a source: Permanence and Change. Exceptions apply to short words that are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs: Writing New Media, There Is Nothing Left to Lose.

•When capitalizing titles, capitalize both words in a hyphenated compound word: Natural-Born Cyborgs.

•Capitalize the first word after a dash or colon: "Defining Film Rhetoric: The Case of Hitchcock's Vertigo.""

Text in quotation from LEO Date visited:2/22/11

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Steps for Interview

1.  Brainstorm a list of questions.
2.  Compare questions with other students.
3.  Select 7 questions I would like to ask from core list.
4.  Create 7 more questions not on core list.
5.  Make a list of objectives.
6.  Talk to international students and set up a time and place to interview.
7.  Research for country report.
8.  Buy a recorder.
9.  Review my interview objectives and questions
10.  Start writing country report. 
11.  Attend first interview.
12.  Ask first interviewee if they know someone else I would be able to interview.
13.  Set up a time with another international students to interview.
14.  Write a process description and personal review for first interview.
15.  Post first interview with all four components.
16.  Attend second interview
17.  Ask second interviewee if they know another person I could interview.
18.  Set up a third interview with a new person.
19.  Write a process description and personal review of second interview.
20.  Post second interview on blog with all four components.
21.  Attend third interview.
22.  Write a process description and process description of third interview.
23.  Post third interview on blog with all four components.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Interview Objectives for Natalie Severson

1.  Learn about a new culture.
2.  Learn how to conduct a successful interview that obtains good information.
3.  To meet new people and gain their perspective.
4.  To learn what types of experiences international students have had here so far and if they have been positive.
5. Compare the similartities and differences of our cultures.
6.  Improve interviewing skills with each interview.

Interview Questions

Core Questions:
1. What was the hardest thing about transitioning to the U.S.? (Culture shock)
2. Why did you decide to come to SCSU instead of studying or working in your own country?
3. How does the climate in your home country compare to here?
4. What are some cultural differences between your country and here?
5. Who takes care of the finances in your family?
6. At what age do men and women spend private time and at what age do they consider marriage?
7. What are your personal experiences with racism since coming to the US?

Other Questions:
1. How is the media different from the United States and your home country?
2. What kind of traditions have you grown up with?
3. What are popular types of communication between younger people in your home country?
4. How is the United States portrayed in your home country?
5. How are the schools different from your old school and the ones in the United States?
6. When you were growing up, who lived in your house with you?
7. What foods do you have in your home country that aren't popular in the United States?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

20 Questions Group 5


- What are some places of interests in your country that everyone should visit if they were to go there?

- Does your country have any interesting laws, such as how many wives a man can have or what age you can get your driver’s license?

- What foods are most popular?

- How is the architecture different from your country to the United States?


- How many people are in your family? What is the typical family size in your country?

- Do adults live with their parents after they get married?

- Is the divorce rate high in your country?

- At what age do girls normally get married in your country?

- Who takes care of the finances in your family?


- Can you describe the differences between your countries education and the United States education?

- At what age did you start to learn English?

- Why did you choose to go to school in the United States instead of another country?

- What was the most difficult thing about learning English?

- How long have you been in the United States?

- What is your dream job and which state would you like the job to be in?

Personal Life:

- What sports do you play or are popular in your country?

- Do you like or have any pets?

- What type of music is popular in your country?

- What do people do for fun on the weekends in your country?

- What is one experience in your life that you will never forget?

20 Interview Questions

1.  What was the most difficult thing about learning English?
2.  What sport is most popular in the country you are from?
3.  How old you were when you started school?
4.  How many years of schooling do you need?
5.  What age can you get your license?
6.  Do a lot of people get their license as soon as they are old enough?
7.  What are some popular t.v. shows from your country?
8.  Are a lot of the t.v. shows the same here as they are in your home country?
9.  What is the normal family size?
10.  What do you normally do on the weekend for fun?
11.  Do a lot of people go on vacations with their family?
12.  At what age do most people move out and stop living with their parents?
13.  Does your country have a upper, middle and lower class?  If so, which one is most common?
14.  Is the media such as t.v, magazines, and music similar to that of the United States?
15.  What is a typical day of school like at your school in your home country?
16.  Are a lot of your friends studying in other countries?
17.  How are schools different here then in your home country?
18.  Why did you choose to study in the United States?
19.  What national holidays do you celebrate?
20.  Is there anything portrayed in the media in the United States that surprised?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Group 5 Outline

 According to Wiki Media Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information on a world-wide scale.  Global communication plays an important role in the world.  It has various effects on business, culture, and science.

         1. Exporting and importing
              A. Development of economies.
              B. Maximum benifit
         2. Larger target market
             A. Companies can transport products to more people
             B. Resources become abundant
             C.Companies can learn more about their target market and transform product to fit their needs.
         1. Learn history of other countries
              A. Reduce culture conflicts
              B. Promote interactions between people of different cultures and have many topics to share and talk about.
         2. How cultures are changing due to globalization
            A. Stronger and more advanced countries influence other countries.
         1. Communication
            A. Internet
                 a. Interacting with people that are in other parts of the world
                 b. When someone would like to talk to a friend they can email thm.  Their friend will be able to receive the message quickly and reply instantly.
                 c. People are able to sit on their couch and talk to people of different nationalities on Facebook and other forms of social networking.
           2. Science
             A. Advancing
                 a. Share differnt skills to make a product.
                 b. Sharing information that helps someone with their research
                 c. Help developing countries by importing products that teach them new skills.
             B. Doctors are able to communicate their ideas on a global level

                In the past ten years, globalization had been developing. Business, culture, and technologyall  benefit from global communcation.  Globalization has benefited many countries.  Countries are improving and bettering themselves. Date visited: 2/1/11