Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Group 5 Outline

 According to Wiki Media Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information on a world-wide scale.  Global communication plays an important role in the world.  It has various effects on business, culture, and science.

         1. Exporting and importing
              A. Development of economies.
              B. Maximum benifit
         2. Larger target market
             A. Companies can transport products to more people
             B. Resources become abundant
             C.Companies can learn more about their target market and transform product to fit their needs.
         1. Learn history of other countries
              A. Reduce culture conflicts
              B. Promote interactions between people of different cultures and have many topics to share and talk about.
         2. How cultures are changing due to globalization
            A. Stronger and more advanced countries influence other countries.
         1. Communication
            A. Internet
                 a. Interacting with people that are in other parts of the world
                 b. When someone would like to talk to a friend they can email thm.  Their friend will be able to receive the message quickly and reply instantly.
                 c. People are able to sit on their couch and talk to people of different nationalities on Facebook and other forms of social networking.
           2. Science
             A. Advancing
                 a. Share differnt skills to make a product.
                 b. Sharing information that helps someone with their research
                 c. Help developing countries by importing products that teach them new skills.
             B. Doctors are able to communicate their ideas on a global level

                In the past ten years, globalization had been developing. Business, culture, and technologyall  benefit from global communcation.  Globalization has benefited many countries.  Countries are improving and bettering themselves.

http://wiki.media-culture.org.au/index.php/Global_Communication Date visited: 2/1/11

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